Yolyn Am in Umnugobi

Beautiful gorge that hosts vultures

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Named after a scavenging bird of prey, Yolyn Am (Vulture Valley) is a beautiful gorge that cuts through Zuun Saikhan mountain of The Gurvan Saikhan mountain range in Omnogovi province. A brook that flows through the gorge used be frozen on the surface all year, but due to global warming, it began to melt during summer time. There are many spots in the gorge that sunlight does not reach, making it cold to almost a minus degree. Which then creates a cold breeze reminiscent of winter that will cool you down in the hot gobi desert.

And of course Yolyn Am, besides its picturesque landscape, is a home to the Lammergeier, an old world vulture. This type of vulture only exists in Central Asia. And these scavenging birds fly up to 1500-3000 meters height and their wingspan reaches 2.5-3 meters. They feed mostly on the carcasses of dead animals and hatch eggs usually in february. You are likely to spot them around at night or early in the morning.

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  • umnugobi
  • southern-mongolia
  • gobi
  • hiking
  • roadtrip
  • sightseeing
  • wildlife
  • adventure
  • climbing
  • camping