Yamaan Us Petroglyphs in Khovd

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Yamaan Us Petroglyphs is located in Yamaan Us Cliff, on the border between Uench soum and Altai soum of Khovd province. A small creek flows through the cliff and wild goats and ibex regularly come and drink the water hence the name Yamaan Us or Goat Water. There are hundreds of petroglyphs and rock paintings on the left cliff wall. It was discovered in 1973 by an expedition group and Yamaan Us Petroglyphs is one of 22 Turkic petroglyphs in Mongolia. The cliff wall is about 10m tall and has various types of petroglyphs that date back to different eras but most of them are from the Bronze Age. Petroglyphs depict the usual wild animals but the most interesting part is a depiction of a cart guided and guarded by armed men which is an evidence of monarchy or feudalism.

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  • khovd
  • western-mongolia
  • sightseeing