Tsagaan Suvarga White Stupa

Colourful cliffs in the Gobi desert

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Tsagaan Suvarga is an arduous scarp in Olziit soum of Dundgovi province. Once a floor of the ocean, this scarp looks like a white stupa, hence the name Tsagaan Suvarga (white stupa). This scarp is 400 meters long and 60 meters tall with a 90 degree brink. After a rain, the water pouring down the scarp makes it look like a huge waterfall.

White Stupa

There’s an interesting cave 7 km to the east of Tsagaan Suvarga named Hevtee Bosoo Agui. In this 50 meters long cave, you have to crawl at some point but will be able to walk normally in other parts of the cave, hence the name Hevtee Bosoo Agui (Laying Standing Cave).

Best Tours to Tsagaan Suvarga the White Stupa

-A one week tour to the Gobi desert passing Tsagaan Suvarga: https://mongolia.com.co/tours/gobi-sands/

-Two weeks to Central Mongolia and the Gobi:  https://mongolia.com.co/tours/mongolias-steppes-into-gobi/

-Explore the best of northern and southern Mongolia and stop at the White Stupa: https://mongolia.com.co/tours/northern-lakes-to-southern-sands/

-A guided self drive offroad adventure for a week to the Gobi with LIQUI MOLY Extreme: https://themongoliatour.com/tours/gobi-tracks/

-Two weeks offroad fun with a support crew to the Gobi and White Stupa: https://themongoliatour.com/tours/desert-dunes-and-crystal-lakes/

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  • dundgobi
  • southern-mongolia
  • gobi
  • hiking
  • roadtrip
  • sightseeing
  • climbing
  • camping