Sum Khukh Burd in Dundgovi

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Sum Khukh Burd or Khukh Burd Lake is located in Adaatsag Soum, Dundgovi province. In the middle of the lake, there is a ruin of a stone castle built on a lake-island approximately 400-500 years ago. According to the examination of the ruin, the castle was 7-8m high, 10m wide and 25m long with 150cm thick wall and had 4 sections. Sources suggest that the castle was built in the 16th century by Mongolians who were hired by a son of a Tibetan lord. But he was arrested and forced to go back to Tibet before the construction of the temple was complete. And because of that the temple inside the castle remained roofless, hence the name “Oroigui Sum” (A temple without a roof). The stones used by the builders are found in a location 200km to the south of Khukh Burd Lake and it is assumed that the stones were transported by camel carts from there. Initially, the lake was fed by 3 different creeks but over the years of drought, only one remained and the size of the lake is shrinking every year. On the southern bank of the lake, you can find a fresh water spring called Uuden Bulag. The famous play “Saran Khukhuu” written by Danzanravjaa, the saint of the Gobi, was once performed here. In 1998, Khukh Burd Lake and the stone castle has become a state protected area.

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  • dundgobi
  • central-mongolia
  • culture
  • sightseeing