Ruins of Janjin Choir Monastery in Govisumber

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Zuun Janjin Choir Monastery was built in 1778 by order of a local lord Dagdandorj. Located near the Choiriin Bogd Mountain, the monastery had 5-7 temples and was occupied by around 1500 monks until 1938. In that year the communist purge happened and destroyed the monastery and nowadays only the ruins remain.

There were two Choir Monasteries and Zuun Janjin Choir Monastery or Eastern Choir Monastery had a counterpart, the Baruun Choir Monastery or Western Choir Monastery, which is located in Tsagaandelger soum of Dundgovi province. “Choir” is a name for the philosophical study of Buddhism and these two monasteries were dedicated to that. A lot of Buddhist philosophers, poets and astrologists studied in the Choir Monasteries.

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  • gobisumber
  • central-mongolia
  • culture
  • sightseeing
  • temples