Palace of Aurag in Khentii

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Palace of Aurag is an ancient city ruin located in Delgerkhaan soum of Khentii province, 10km to the north of Avarga Toson Spring. It was established in 13th century in need of a warehouse to keep foods and articles of tribute from the conquered countries. Sources suggest this location once served as the capital of Mongol tribes and Mongol Empire. Specifically, starting in 1189, Aurag was considered as the capital of Khamag Mongol for over 30 years.The meaning of Aurag is often confused with Avarga which means great or greater but Aurag actually means container. An expedition revealed the city was 4.5km square meter and had four sections. There was a craftsmanship district, an agricultural district, a place of worship and palaces. And there were no walls around Aurag. Historical sources suggest Genghis Khan had four different palaces each suited for different seasons and the Palace of Aurag was the most important one.

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  • khentii
  • eastern-mongolia
  • sightseeing
  • relaxation