Khar Lake in Zavkhan

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Ulaagchny Khar Nuur or Khar Lake is situated on the border between Zavkhan and Khovd provinces, 80km to the northeast of Erdenekhairkhan soum of Zavkhan province. It has an average depth of 48m and the surface area of the lake is 574.8 square km. The northern shores of Khar Lake resemble the Gobi desert as it has sand dunes that are 5-6m tall. Even though Khar Lake is smaller than Khar Us Lake in terms of the surface area, it is deeper than Khar Us Lake. The excess water of Khar Us Lake feeds into Khar Lake via Chono Kharaikh River and the excess of Khar Lake goes through Khom conduit and joins Durgun Lake. Also, Tatkhan-Teel River takes source from Khar Lake and becomes tributary of Zavkhan River. The lake freezes in late October and forms 110cm thick ice on the surface. And during summer months Khar Lake hosts 13 species of migratory bird.

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  • zavkhan
  • western-mongolia
  • sightseeing
  • wildlife
  • camping
  • fishing