Choir Town in Govisumber

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Choir Town is the capital of Govisumber province 230km away from the Ulaanbaatar City. The town was a garrison during the soviet era but the USSR anti-aircraft units were moved in 1989. You can actually visit the longest runway in Mongolia, located 25km to the north of Choir, which is the only remnant of that period. Another attraction to see is the statue of Gurragchaa Jugderdemid, the first and only cosmonaut of Mongolia who was sent to space. You can find the statue near the train station.

With a population of over 8000 people Choir is one of three autonomous cities in the country others being Darkhan and Erdenet. Also Govisumber province is the third smallest province in Mongolia with area total of 5541 square km after Orkhon (844 square km) and Darkhan-Uul (3275 square km).

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