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Previously named Undurkhaan, Chinggis City is the capital of Khentii province. Located in Kherlen soum, 330km away from Ulaanbaatar City, Chinggis City has a population around 20,000 people. It is the second coldest town in Mongolia after Tosontsengel. The city is situated on the banks of Kherlen River, in the open fields and the river freezes when the temperature gets to an average of -25.7°C or a maximum of -40°C during wintertime. The economy of the city is heavily dependent on coal mining. The biggest and nearest mine is located 53km away, to the west of Chinggis City. The aircraft boarded by Lin Biao, a marshal of the People’s Republic of China, crashed in Undurkhaan on September 13, 1971 with no survivors.
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